Green-Up Gambia

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Green-Up Gambia addresses urgent environmental crises. We started as a project of ‘Climate Watch The Gambia’ in 2014. By 2017, as a result of our outstandingly successful activities, high profile and wide base of enthusiastic volunteers, Green-Up Gambia became an independent organization. Ever since then, we have been engaged in raising eco-consciousness in communities – especially amongst young people in rural villages, in order to mitigate climate change.

Mission of The Organization :
To align its activities with the priority areas of the national strategies and the full implementation of the vision of the national climate change policy
Vision of The Organization: is to create an environmentally friendly, ecologically stable, and economically flourishing Gambia for the benefit of the people.”

Date of Establishment: 16.09.2016

Physical Address: Bijilo Ecotourism Park. West African Livestock Innovation Center Complex. P.M.B 14 Banjul , The Gambia.

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Twitter: @greengambia

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