The National Youth Commission -The Gambia Red Cross Society

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The Gambia Red Cross Society enjoys vibrant youth participation; about 80% of the volunteers are young people aged13-35 years. They play an active role in organizing fund raising events, First Aid and relief operations across the seven branches of the national society. Volunteers in the National Society are the human resources base of the society and are involved in public First Aid coverage during national and international events, disaster response and management, internal human resources capacity building, social mobilizations during national immunization days, major donor to the national Blood Bank, 24hrs ambulance service, implementation of food security programs, and are engaged in HIV/AIDS home based care for chronically ill patients, care for refugees, and organize both national and international youth fora/camps.

Our Vision: ”Reducing Vulnerability and Improving Lives”
Our Mission Improving the lives of Vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity.

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Date of Establishment: 1.04.1948

Physical Address: The Gambia Red Cross Society, 56 Mamadi Maniyang Highway, Kanifing, P.O.Box 472 Banjul, The Gambia West Africa.

Facebook Page: The Gambia Red Cross Society

Twitter: @GambiaRedCross

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